ENFIELD — Officers from the Enfield Police Department apprehended a suspect linked to multiple larcenies across the state on Jan. 23 after a vehicle pursuit and a foot chase.
Evening shift officers located a vehicle in the shopping district that had been used in several thefts.
When they attempted to perform a traffic stop, the driver fled, prompting a quick response from law enforcement.
Prepared officers deployed a tire deflation device as the suspect’s vehicle tried to access Interstate 91.
The car was disabled when it struck a guardrail, but the suspect did not give up there.
He tried to escape on foot, making another ill-fated decision.
K9 Duke, a member of the police force, was instrumental in the arrest.
The canine helped officers detain the suspect as he attempted to scale a fence.
The individual was then taken into custody without further incident.
The Enfield Police Department has not released the name of the suspect or the specific charges he faces.
An investigation into the larcenies is ongoing.