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Weekly Dispatch with Mayor Sullivan

2 mins read
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Last year I was proud that the majority of our City Council voted to have Newport finally recognize Martin Luther King Day as a holiday within our City, joining the State and Federal Government. On January 20, 2025, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday will mark the 30th anniversary as a National Day of Service. This day was established to honor the life and legacy of Dr. King, and to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. The Dr. advocated for nonviolent resistance to overcome injustice as a means of lifting racial oppression. Honor his memory by organizing, volunteering and spreading the word.


Please note that the Council passed the budget and we will have on the next Council meeting for approval of any budget adjustments. Thank you to all of the Department Heads for working with the Mayor and the Treasurer to get the budget ready.


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The statewide Municipal Code of Ethics, as of January 1, 2025, requires all members of legislative bodies, quasi-judicial bodies, chief administrative officers, Mayors, and town or city managers to complete training on the statewide Municipal Code of Ethics. New municipal officers must complete training within 120 days of the start of their position and every three years thereafter. Existing municipal officers have until September 25, 2025 to complete the training and every three years thereafter.

The training begins with an overview of the new Statewide Municipal Code of Ethics and the role of the Vermont State Ethics Commission. It goes on to the specific rules set forth in the Municipal Code of Ethics relating to conflicts of interest, gifts, use of municipal positions and resources, directing others and handling ethics issues.

The Mayor has sent this notice out. Council member Clark Curtis has completed this course, as has the Mayor. Justice of the Peace Pam Ladds has also completed the course.


(From their website:) The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The CEDAW Committee consists of 23 experts on women’s rights from around the world.

The CEDAW treaty is a tool that helps women around the world to bring about change in their daily life. In countries that have ratified the treaty, CEDAW has proved invaluable in opposing the effects of discrimination, which include violence, poverty, and lack of legal protections, along with the denial of inheritance, property rights, and access to credit.

Newport has been asked to be the Vermont CEDAW City. The President of the Council and the Mayor are discussing bringing this to the council meeting in February and have discussed how this is a good opportunity for Newport.


Petitions are due January 27, 2025 for the Mayor position and two open council seats. Remember, signs go up AFTER January 27, 2025 in accordance with the locations and specifications of the sign policy that was passed. Good luck to all and thank you for stepping up to offer your service to our community.

I look forward to seeing you at my Mayor’s hours on Mondays and Wednesdays (by appointment) from 9-11:00 AM. Thank you to NEKTV for “from the Mayor’s desk” program taped on Tuesday mornings.

Thank you for your confidence, your Mayor, Linda Joy Sullivan

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