
Weekly Dispatch with Mayor Sullivan

3 mins read


The Mayor is responsive to the Press’ emails as they are doing stories; however, the professional journalists have a recognizable newspaper email address and put their deadlines in the email queries so that the Mayor can timely accommodate their requests. The Mayor received a spam-style email from a “yahoo” account claiming the sender had questions, including merely a name with a newspaper name under it. No other professional journalistic/newspaper contact information was included. After a story came out, it was identified that the person wrote for the paper. The Mayor is not privy to all writers for all papers. It was unfortunate that the paper didn’t use proper identifier credentials when sending such a vague spam-style email, particularly if there was a time sensitive deadline. The story was published. To clarify the facts in the story, the Mayor responded to the paper: “We appreciate your concern regarding the Newport Elementary School property and its ownership. This is a novel and complex legal issue of municipal governance. In light of that and instead of awaiting a response from the City over the busy holiday period, it’s unfortunate that you published your lay opinion and incorrect assumption that a Charter amendment is somehow needed. Such matters are best left to attorneys, not journalists. As far as a response to your article is concerned, the City’s attorneys are currently working on the matter, and we expect it to be resolved in the very near future.”

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Former Mayor Beth Barnes resigned after claims of bullying, harassment, and interference with her elected position. As Mayor, I noticed immediate attempts to follow suit with an undercurrent to date by a select group of former and current employees and select past and current council members continuing these behaviors and violations of the Charter. Some of these employees’ contracts were terminated by those council members looking to stop these horrific actions. Behaviors by the others are continuing to be investigated. Barnes reported that she had received emails and that actions rose to such a level that she could not continue with her elected position. After reviewing the emails and the behavior patterns of those described above, Barnes was telling the truth. This aberrant behavior is unacceptable and while it may be “sport” by these select former/current council members and employees, it is going to end. If Mayor Barnes decides to bring a lawsuit against these individuals, I will have no problem being a witness.

Former and current council members have violated their roles and gone against the City by sharing confidential information with other parties in negotiations or litigation or for political agendas that would harm the City’s positions and give advantage to those against the City. This same type of behavior has been clear from the select employees referred to above.

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Unauthorized contracts and acts identified are being dealt with. Actions are being taken to mitigate the ramifications from those unauthorized actions, mostly by members of the select group of employees shown above. PRA video recordings are provided when not exempt. The Police have video surveillance for the protection of those within the building. The City has no control over the recipients and their alignments with those referenced above. The City has no background on these recipients’ behaviors and cannot control how they may alter, sell, or misuse these videos, regardless how creepy the requests may appear.


The City has taken steps to clean up the mismanaged grants resulting in over $300,000 of unaddressed grant money. More funds are in the queue and corrections to the past failures so the City will follow the State and Federal requirements are in play. The approved City redevelopment has exploration of potential TIF districts. The actions described by those above will most probably cause concern for any future development. The City must have qualified and preferably licensed people in specific positions of financial authority to keep the newly established mode of fiscal austerity in play.

The Mayor/Council Members and our City Attorneys are cleaning up the past and putting the City in a position to stop fraud and abuse. I thank the Council President and Council members Curtis and Ufford-Chase for their sincere efforts. It is imperative that this process continues for the future of Newport.

The only way to fix the past is with your next decision. The future of Newport is up to its citizens and their choice of who will guide the future of this gem of a City.

Thank you for your confidence – Your Mayor, Linda Joy Sullivan

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