
Weekly Dispatch with Mayor Sullivan

3 mins read

Hello Newport,


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Recreation Director Mike Brown has some news.  The playground construction at Gardner Park will be starting soon.  The remediation and capping is nearly complete.  The costume engraved bricks from the fundraising campaign will be ordered before the end of the month to be on hand for the landscaping phase of the project.  The new dock purchased by the VOREC Grant has arrived and is being assembled.  Go Director Brown!

What’s going on at Prouty Beach?  Director Brown reports that they are in the process of training new seasonal staff for customer service due to school starting back up and staff leaving.  They are also finalizing the Recreational Facilities Grant to purchase three family cabins to expand the City’s revenue base.

We are interviewing candidates for the Fire Chief position at the next Council meeting.  Please also note that the City has advertised for a City Accountant/Assistant to the City Manager (not an assistant city manager as mis-reported in the Chronicle.)

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Police Chief Travis Bingham and his force are watching out for Newport’s safety.  To that end, our Chief has attended the monthly Criminal Justice Training Council Meeting and has given a tour of the Police Department to approximately 25 people that are part of Peer Growth and Lifelong Learning Program.  Our Police Chief and his team are involved in our community.  So get ready for the BBQ with the Badge event scheduled for August 29 from 4:00-7:00 PM at Gardner Park.  There will be burgers, dogs, bouncy house, cotton candy, and more. 


The Council had a Special Meeting on Friday to address an allegation of an OML violation that was Denied. Upon professional legal advice, the Council denied the OML allegation.  Thank you to the Council members who came to the Special Council meeting while on vacation and during their work hours.  Thank you to the Treasurer as well for taking part in the Special Meeting.  These “allegations” create legal fees and council and personnel time.  It should be noted that it was requested of the person who brought the not well taken  allegation if the Council could address it at the next council meeting, thereby avoiding a Special council meeting.  The request was turned down, so a Special Council meeting was had. If no meeting was held, it would have been a default denial of the allegation; however, there is the risk that when you are dealing with such historical behavior of one person’s bringing habitual allegations (most denied and to no benefit to the City), the Council must protect the City by being risk adverse to any repercussions that could stem from potential lawsuits (no matter how frivolous) by such actions.  It should also be known that the City has been forced to expend legal fees and employee and Council member time on continual exorbitant PRA requests; also questionable as to the benefit to the City.  

The Mayor and the Council are looking into options with the Treasurer as how to address the long-time financial burden the new Council inherited.  But rest assured, we are taking a deep dive into how expenses have been used and revenue sources and there are changes being made.  Compliance and appropriate policies are top priority.  We are looking out for the citizens of Newport and are focusing on addressing these past practices.


Orleans County State Attorney Farzana Leyva and the Mayor are hosting a community forum on September 25, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Gateway on Human Trafficking and Crime Updates in Newport.  We are excited about the professional panel and look forward to seeing many residents there for this very important topic.  As your Mayor, I introduced these community forums to allow for citizen engagement and I am extremely pleased at such involvement and participation by our Newport citizens.  


It is great that more people are coming to the Council meetings.  Remember, the comment period is for you to speak about Council business when recognized by the Mayor.   It is not a question and answer period, nor is it a venue for political speeches or an opportunity to attempt to engage with our City Attorneys.  What you say at public comment is received.  The Mayor and the Council listen and reflect on what you bring to our attention.  The City Council meetings are jammed packed with business.  I thank so many of you who has told me that they feel that the Council members are discussing issues in more depth and that they feel more informed.  Remember, the Council meetings are the only time the Council can meet to discuss City business.

Thank you for coming to my Mayor hours where you have the opportunity to discuss issues and ideas and explain any concerns or needs you may have.  Questions and answers take place at the Mayor hours.  We are here for you Newport.  We are listening!

Thank you for your confidence,

Your Mayor, Linda Joy Sullivan

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