
Weekly Dispatch with Mayor Sullivan

2 mins read


I took a walk and drive around Newport City after the rain to assess the situation. After that, I went into the Cooking Store on Main Street and was pleased to hear that there is optimism about economic development and street traffic and being on Main Street. The owners, Cindy and Garrett Moylan, have a guest book. I took a glance and am pleased to report that the guests were writing about the beautiful flowers in Newport. People from all parts of the U.S. and Canada are all writing how they actually drive to Newport to see the flowers! What a wonderful testament to our City and our Landscaper and Tree Warden, Robert Gosselin. From Philly: “I love the cheerful and bright flowerpots along Main Street”. From Florida: “The Flowers are just gorgeous!” From California: “I came from Long Beach to see and enjoy the flowers on Main Street in Newport.” As requested, I will be meeting with the owner of Lago and other store owners to discuss his thoughts on the food trucks and other ideas he has. Remember, my Mayor hours are for you. Mondays from 9-11:00 AM at the Council Room and Wednesdays by appointment. Thank you to NEKTV for taping “from the Desk of the Mayor” on Tuesdays so I can keep Newport informed. Your voice is important and I am listening!


I will be continuing my visits on East Main and Main Street to discuss what is happening with their businesses, what they see as needed assistance from the Council as well as what they see as opportunities for development and complementary businesses to benefit their own businesses and the City of Newport.

It has been a year now since I was elected to continue the term of our former Mayor Beth Barnes. Thank you former Mayor Barnes for your service. During this term, for approximately five months, as your Mayor I handled the City Manager duties until our new City Manager began. I was able to assess the true needs of the internal operations and get a strong understanding of the financial allocation methods and project assignments that were historically being used. The Council has now implemented many policies and procedures that are the new guidelines for keeping the City functional and in compliance with the Federal and State laws. This will eliminate waste, fraud and abuse and will allow us to ethically apply for grants and make financial decisions. The President of the Council, Chris Vachon, and I are working with our City Attorneys on real estate transactions, grant documentation and due diligence, and litigation and union matters and more, not limited to cleaning up past issues that were either left undone or need corrective action. I have worked with the Council and I am working with our City Attorneys on issues surrounding the

“hole” in order for the City to be in the best position to make decisions regarding the property. You can see from the Council Meetings that the Agendas are jammed pack with important city business. The President of the Council and I are also working on appropriate job descriptions and changes needed to make the operations within the City more effective and able to function on information that is evidence-based. Expenses are being examined thoroughly and separation of duties is being implemented. The City has advertised for a Fire Chief and the applications are coming in. I am working with the council liaison to the Fire Department, Rick Ufford-Chase to assess those applicants.

The Zoning Administrator and the Police Chief and I have and are continuing to look into issues brought to our attention by our residents. I want to give a huge shout out to Council member Clark Curtis for sharing his institutional knowledge on issues and for his expertise in construction matters and other areas regarding the streets and workings in Newport City. Again, thank you Council member Curtis for being the valuable current liaison to the DPW.


Senator Russ Ingalls and I plan on having a community forum in September to address crime and human trafficking. Watch for the date. Your safety is top priority!

Thank you for your confidence, Your Mayor, Linda Joy Sullivan

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