
Newport Downtown Development hires new associate director

1 min read

NEWPORT — Newport Downtown Development (NDD) has announced the appointment of Felicia Updyke as its new full-time associate director. Updyke, who moved to Newport with her family two years ago, will focus on several key initiatives aimed at revitalizing the downtown area and boosting the local economy.

In her new role, Updyke will prioritize the development of the Newport Outdoor Recreation Collaborative, working to establish Newport as the hub of the four-season, outdoor recreation economy in the northern Northeast Kingdom. Additionally, she will support the growth of small and micro-businesses in Newport’s downtown.

“I am so excited to be able to put more time and energy into an organization I have already been a part of as a volunteer for the past couple of years,” Updyke said. “I am looking forward to making Newport a place I am proud to call home and for my daughter to grow up in.”

Rick Ufford-Chase, Executive Director of NDD, emphasized the organization’s expanded vision and the need to build capacity quickly.

“From workforce development with North Country Career Center to Winter Saturday dances at the Gateway, and from the Forage Festival to efforts to build Newport’s identity as the southern anchor of a beautiful international lake, we are working hard to make Newport a great place to live, work and play,” he said.

Prior to joining NDD full-time, Updyke worked for the Memphremagog Community Maritime and Eden Specialty Ciders.

NDD continues to rely on nearly 100 volunteers and welcomes community involvement in its initiatives. Those interested in participating can contact Felicia Updyke at [email protected] or Rick Ufford-Chase at [email protected].

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