
South Burlington woman arrested on DUI charges after crash

1 min read

SOUTH BURLINGTON — On the evening of Feb. 2, at about 10:42 p.m., Vermont State Troopers responded to a crash on I 189 West at the intersection with Route 7.

The driver, identified as Julie Schmid, 55, of Richmond, was found to exhibit signs of impairment during the troopers’ initial investigation at the scene.

Following a roadside investigation, Schmid was arrested under suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI).

Schmid was not detained but was released with a citation to appear at the Chittenden County Superior Court-Criminal Division on Feb. 20 at 8:30 a.m.

Schmid is expected to answer to the DUI charge at that time.

No injuries were reported in the crash.

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