FALMOUTH — A multi-vehicle collision on East Falmouth Highway resulted in multiple injuries and a critical airlift on Jan. 30.
At around 4:29 p.m., Falmouth Police Department officers arrived at the crash site near Seacoast Shores Boulevard.
They found three vehicles involved in the accident, with several people injured.
Falmouth Fire Rescue quickly responded, transporting three individuals to nearby hospitals.
One driver was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford with serious injuries.
Another was airlifted to Rhode Island Hospital with life-threatening conditions and is currently listed as critical.
A juvenile passenger also sustained injuries and was taken to Falmouth Hospital.
The Cape Cod Regional Law Enforcement Council’s Crash Reconstruction Team, along with the Barnstable County Bureau of Criminal Investigations, was called to assist with the investigation.
Due to the accident, East Falmouth Highway was closed for about four hours.
Early findings of the investigation indicate that the driver at fault veered across the median, hitting one car before crashing head-on with another.
An additional party reported to the police later that evening, claiming their vehicle was sideswiped by the suspect’s car prior to the head-on collisions, bringing the total count of vehicles impacted to three.
The CapeLEC Accident Reconstruction Team continues to investigate the crash, and criminal charges are pending.