
High-speed chase ends in crash, leads to multiple charges for Manchester man

1 min read

HOOKSETT — A high-speed chase in the early hours of Jan. 24 led to a crash and multiple charges for a Manchester man after he failed to comply with a police officer’s attempt to stop his speeding vehicle.

Officer Rembis, stationed in a business parking lot in south Hooksett, initiated the pursuit after clocking a truck driven by Jacob Cook, 21, at 76 mph heading north.

Despite activating his emergency lights, Rembis was unable to immediately stop the vehicle.

Cook continued to flee until turning west onto Martins Ferry Road, where his truck struck raised granite curbing.

Cook complied with Officer Rembis’ commands after the crash and was taken into custody.

Signs of impairment were evident, and Cook refused to undergo sobriety tests.

During a vehicle inventory required for towing, police discovered brass knuckles and a quantity of marijuana.

The 21-year-old now faces charges including Aggravated Driving Under the Influence, Disobeying an Officer, Reckless Operation, Carrying or Selling Weapons, Speed, Yellow Line Violation, and Possession of Marijuana less than ¾ oz.

Cook was booked and processed at the Hooksett Police Department and released with a Jan. 30 arraignment date at the 6th Circuit Hooksett District Court.

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