
Driver arrested for DUI on I-91 in Weathersfield

1 min read

WEATHERSFIELD — A New Hampshire man was arrested late Sunday night on I-91 after Vermont State Police found him in a disabled vehicle in the southbound passing lane.

Troopers from the Westminster Barracks responded to the scene near mile marker 48 around 10:22 p.m. after receiving reports of the obstruction.

Upon arrival, they encountered Eric P. Ricard, 49, of Ringe.

Ricard was determined to be under the influence of alcohol.

He was taken into custody on suspicion of DUI and was processed at the Westminster Barracks.

He refused to submit to a breathalyzer test and was subsequently lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility in Springfield.

He is scheduled to appear in Vermont Superior Court Windsor Criminal Division on Feb. 18 at 8:30 a.m. to face charges of DUI Refusal.

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