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Aime Conrad Bellavance announces run for Vermont State Senate

1 min read

ORLEANS — Aime Conrad Bellavance, a native of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, has announced his candidacy for the Vermont State Senate in the Orleans District as a moderate Republican.

Bellavance, a single father and military veteran, brings a diverse background to his campaign, including experience as a manufacturing, environmental and safety engineer, school board member, and volunteer firefighter.

In his campaign announcement, Bellavance emphasized his focus on addressing high taxes, housing needs, and public safety issues in rural Vermont communities. He stressed the importance of bringing balance and common sense to the Statehouse to create a more affordable Vermont.

“I will listen to both sides to come to solutions with effective results for the benefit of RURAL Vermonters,” Bellavance stated. He expressed support for legislation to reduce taxes, a taxpayer bill of rights, and exploring a property tax cap.

Bellavance highlighted his commitment to individual constitutional rights, liberties, and freedoms. He pledged to bring his life experiences and problem-solving abilities to the Statehouse if elected.

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The candidate is encouraging voters to participate in the primary election on August 13 or to vote by absentee ballot. He has invited supporters to volunteer for his campaign, display roadside signs, or contribute donations.

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