
Haverhill police issue warning as black bear spotted in residential areas

1 min read

HAVERHILL — Haverhill Police have issued a public safety announcement after receiving several calls about a black bear sighted in the vicinity of Windsor Street, Mill Street, and the Lake Saltonstall area.

Residents are urged not to approach, feed, or attempt to photograph or record the bear.

The police have provided a list of precautionary measures for the community to minimize encounters and potential conflicts with the bear.

These measures include removing outdoor bird feeders, securing chickens or small livestock, ensuring garbage, pet food, and livestock food are not accessible to the bear, not feeding pets outside, and keeping dogs on leashes.

Parents are advised to teach children to stand their ground if they encounter a bear, making themselves appear larger and making loud noises, rather than running away.

For non-emergency bear-related inquiries, residents should contact the Massachusetts Environmental Police Dispatch at 800-632-8075 or MassWildlife Northeast District at 978-772-2145.

In the event of a bear-related emergency, the public is instructed to call 911.

Authorities are working to ensure the safety of both residents and the bear and ask for the community’s cooperation in following the guidelines.

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