
Dover police issue warning on rising phishing scam attempts

1 min read

DOVER — Police in Dover are cautioning residents about an uptick in phishing scams after multiple reports have surfaced of fraudulent emails attempting to harvest personal information.

According to officials, the deceptive emails mimic communications from reputable sources such as internet service providers, banks, or mortgage companies.

These messages typically prompt recipients to divulge sensitive data, which scammers then exploit to open unauthorized accounts or gain access to victims’ existing financial accounts.

Authorities are emphasizing the importance of vigilance and have offered several guidelines to help individuals protect themselves against these cyber threats.

Key recommendations include refraining from responding to unsolicited emails or pop-up ads requesting personal or financial details.

The Dover Police Department urges anyone who receives suspicious communications to report them immediately and to contact their financial institutions to monitor for any unauthorized activity.

Residents are also advised to regularly update their computer’s security software and to use complex passwords for online accounts to further reduce the risk of falling prey to these fraudulent schemes.

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