
Fairfield police respond to hoax threat at Notre Dame High School

1 min read

FAIRFIELD — A threat of violence called into Notre Dame High School prompted a lock down and a swift police response on April 11, shortly after 1 p.m.

The Fairfield Police Department reported that officers conducted a comprehensive assessment following the threat and confirmed the safety of all students and staff.

They determined there was no active threat to the school or the nearby community.

Authorities have classified the incident as a case of “swatting,” a term for a deceptive call made to dispatch emergency services under false pretenses, often causing public alarm due to the number of responders.

After ensuring the security of the campus, the lock down was lifted, allowing the school to resume normal operations, including the scheduled dismissal of students.

Fairfield Police maintained a presence at the school throughout dismissal and are actively investigating the origin of the hoax call.

The call is believed to have been made from outside the immediate area.

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