
Driver flees after Jeep crashes into tree on Edgartown Road in Oak Bluffs

1 min read

OAK BLUFFS — A Jeep Grand Cherokee struck a tree on Edgartown Road across from Norton Farm on Saturday, prompting a response from local police and emergency services at about 7:30 p.m.

A witness observed a male exiting the vehicle shortly after the crash.

By the time Oak Bluffs Police Department, firefighters, and EMS personnel arrived, the driver had already left the scene.

An investigation led by the police resulted in the identification of the male operator.

Authorities are seeking a summons from Edgartown District Court for charges including Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Accident, and a Marked Lanes Violation.

The Oak Bluffs Police Department stated that they do not release names of defendants before their arraignment in court.

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