
Urgent appeal for donors as CNB sponsors annual blood drive in Derby

1 min read
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DERBY –– Community National Bank (CNB) will sponsor the American Red Cross Annual Blood Drive again this year on Tuesday, October 3. The blood drive will take place at the Elks Club in Derby, located at 3736 on US Route 5.

Organizers say they are in desperate need of donors this year, as registration is low. Make an appointment to give this precious, needed gift by visiting RedCrossBlood.org and click on “Find a Drive.” If you need help making an appointment, you can reach out to Kathleen Luce at [email protected] or 802-557-7474.

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Every day, blood donors help accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. In fact, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. We look forward to seeing you October 3rd at the Elks in Derby!

For more information about Community National Bank visit communitynationalbank.com.

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