
Jay Peak closing lifts during bitter cold on Friday

1 min read

JAY — Jay Peak lifts will be closed for the day on Friday due to the bitter cold weather moving in.

Wind chill values tomorrow at the resort are expected to be as low as -47°F.

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Blustery northwest winds are expected to hit 18 to 21 mph, with gusts as high as 39 mph.

The resort says they will try and run lower mountain lifts on Saturday, but plan on upper mountain lifts to stay closed Saturday, as well.

Saturday temperatures will warm to -30 °F wind chill value.

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The final schedule will be determined on Saturday morning.

“The only folks more upset than our guests is our staff and me,” General Manager Steve Wright said in a statement. “You only get so many weekends in this business and it’s not easy to have one freeze up in front of you.”

Sunday should see warmer temperatures into the 20’s.

The waterpark and all other resort activities should be running as they normally would.

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