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Winter swimming underway at Willoughby every Saturday

1 min read
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WESTMORE — Cold water swimming in the Northeast Kingdom has moved from Lake Memphremagog to Lake Willoughby.

Three winter swimmers, in training for the upcoming Memphremagog Winter Swimming Festival, took to Willoughby on Sunday.

Water temps were around 40 degrees.

Swimmers included Pam Ladds of Newport, Cathy Delneo of Montpelier, and Julie Zeitlinger of Sutton, Quebec.

The next scheduled swim will be this Saturday at 2:00 p.m.

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Organizers say that any and all are welcome to join.

They plan on swimming each Saturday at 2 p.m. while the lake remains open, including a New Year’s Day Swim if conditions allow.

Let them know in advance if you plan to participate so they can keep you posted as to which end of the lake they will be swimming from.

Send an email to: [email protected] for more information.

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