
Katherine Sims: I’m ready to work for you

1 min read

Hey there, neighbors. As your state representative, I’ve been listening all summer. I’ve heard from thousands of you on your front steps, at the farmers market, at rallies and parades. You’ve called, emailed, left notes, flagged me down at the gas station, and attended my ice cream socials. Here’s what I’ve heard:

You love it here in the Kingdom. You love the people, the wilderness, the community hubs, the lifestyle. You have roots here or you’re putting down roots here. And you want to protect what you love about this place that we all call home. 

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I also heard that there still isn’t enough quality, affordable housing in our towns. Child care is hard to find and healthcare is expensive. Teachers are in short supply. Internet access is still limited. Heating homes is expensive because fuel costs are volatile and efficiency upgrades are costly. Our homes and businesses are vulnerable in the face of increasingly severe weather events. 

I heard that we’ve made some real progress but the work is far from done. And that’s why I’m running for re-election: to keep working for you and to keep bringing your voices and values to the statehouse so that together we can:

1. Rehabilitate dilapidated housing units and make it easier to build new housing by exempting town centers from Act 250 limitations 

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2. Ensure that the Vermont Community Broadband Board is on track to bring broadband to every resident in the Kingdom

3. Attract and retain teachers by creating tax incentives and loan forgiveness programs for teachers working in underserved communities

4. Make it affordable for everyone to upgrade their heating systems, weatherize their homes and save money on utilities

5. Improve community resilience with emergency infrastructure such as microgrids, battery storage, shelters, drought mitigation, energy efficiency projects, and road improvements

I’ve already met with legislative counsel to start drafting these bills. I’ve spoken with advocates and stakeholders to get their feedback and support. I’ve reached out to the speaker and committee chairs to build momentum around these priorities so we actually take them up this session. 

I haven’t stopped working for you since the day I was first elected. I have the energy, the drive and the track record of success we need to ensure our communities aren’t left behind. If you send me back to the statehouse, I’m ready.

Together we can create a Vermont that works for everyone.

1 Comment

  1. All the issues you state have worsened during your tenure. My elderly neighbors are being forced out of their apartments because they can’t afford a 30% plus increase in their rent and the state will NOT help them. What have you done to stop landlords from doing whatever they want. Why should we believe more of the same will bring different results. The more you and your Democratic party control Vermont, the worse it has become. There is a teacher shortage because teachers don’t want to teach your liberal agenda indoctrination, not because we need to raise taxes (Carbon Tax really, carbon feeds trees and plants, it does NOT cause global warming) to give teachers a tax break on the back of all the hard-working Vermonters. People need LESS taxes and rent control measures so we don’t have to choose between food and heating our homes above 60 degrees WITHOUT being in your Socialist system. And please elaborate on REAL PROGRESS and your track record of success when inflation is choking Vermonters. It seems the only ones who are better off are the druggies and the people who don’t want to work.

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