
Mock crash for high school students in Newport

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NEWPORT — Public safety officials from throughout Vermont came together on Friday to teach high school students a reality-based lesson in motor vehicle safety.

A mock head-on motor vehicle crash was staged at the North Country Union High School in Newport yesterday.

The crash simulated the actual events that occur in a serious motor vehicle crash, including police and fire department response, simulated injuries, an ejection, a fatality, and an arrest.

During the simulation, students were made aware that the “driver” was under the influence of alcohol and crashed head-on into another vehicle, resulting in the death of one of his friends.

The driver was placed “under arrest” for drunk driving.

Though the events were staged for educational purposes, the entire event was grounded in the reality based on the real-life experiences of first responders.

The event meticulously re-created something that unfortunately occurs on the roads every year across Vermont.

Not only are events like this used to discourage drunk driving, they also teach the importance of seat belt use and discourage cell phone use and other forms of distracted driving.

“If we can create a scenario that looks realistic enough, maybe these students will never have to encounter the real thing,” said Newport Police Chief Seth DiSanto. “I am very proud of the collection of first responders and volunteers who came together today to put on this event, an annual educational tradition as we move into prom and graduation season. Above all else, we wish all of our young people a happy, safe, and healthy end of the school year.”

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