Letter: Special thank you to Captain Chris by Mary Patricia Goulding

1 min read

The following letter to the editor was submitted by Mary Patricia Goulding, President of the Memphremagog Watershed Association.

We will miss seeing the blue and white boat cruising Lake Memphremagog. The Northern Star served the community under the leadership of Captain Chris Johansen. It is disappointing to learn that after the summer tours (2017), Captain Chris will end sailing the Northern Star on our beautiful waters.

I am writing on behalf of the Memphremagog Watershed Association (MWA) to recognize Captain Chris’s vision and commitment to help folks learn about and appreciate the natural beauty of Lake Memphremagog. Sure, there were some fun cruises with ice cream and evenings spirited with libations. There also were opportunities to investigate and explore the Lake.

MWA was privileged to participate in the Youth Lake Tours offered to students in the region. The first part of the discovery cruise was called, the “WOW” time. Because that was the expression of all the sailors, young and seasoned! Learning about the history of the region, evolution of the Lake, and impacts of the watershed come alive while touring the lake.

MWA is presenting Captain Chris with a certificate of appreciation for inspiring students and the community to enjoy and appreciate the natural beauty of Lake Memphremagog.

A special thank you to Captain Chris and the sponsors that made it possible to offer the community, tourists, and students “a boat ride” to experience and appreciate the beautiful waters.


  1. He deserved much better than he received. A great ride on a Great Lake. I have seen several tour boats come and go over the years but I truly sad to see this one go. Good ship, good crew, and good captain. Farewell.

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