
Newport event helps Champlain College students learn about careers in human services

1 min read

NEWPORT — A busload of Champlain College students studying social work and psychology came to Newport recently for a daylong event that included a unique blend of learning about future careers in the human services/giving fields. Students experienced a bit of what it’s like to need resources and have to find places that could help. The students gave back to the community by collecting and donating 20 cases of food to the food shelf.

The event was organized by Professor Kim Quinn-Smith and Northeast Kingdom Learning Services (NEKLS) staff members Lisa Daigle-Farney and Suzanne Pelletier.

“The professionals at NEKLS have been invaluable in putting this program together,” Professor Quinn-Smith said. “We start planning the three trips to the NEK in May, spending hours and hours of very generously donated time. We had a large panel made up of private practice clinicians, DCF workers, an addictions treatment specialist, restorative justice, juvenile justice, a vet who spoke of managing PTSD, just to name a few.”

The day was a success thanks to all the Newport area professionals and organizations devoted to the community. This year 14 panelists from 10 different agencies participated in a question and answer event.

Students were given different scenarios to act out and help identify services in Newport to assist in their character’s survival and future?”

Quinn-Smith sees the program continuing for a long time.

“I look at the CAP program as a bridge between two communities, one that has been mutually beneficial.  The Champlain College community and the Northeast Kingdom community have developed a wonderful and strong relationship based on trust and friendship, one that will continue to grow for years to come.”

For more information on NEKLS or the CAP program, call 1-844-GO NEKLS.

Panelists from an estimated 10 agencies donated their time and experience to a roomful of Champlain College Students on November 12th. In return, the students donated 20 cases to the community food shelf.
Panelists from an estimated 10 agencies donated their time and experience to a roomful of Champlain College Students on November 12th. In return, the students donated 20 cases to the community food shelf.

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