
Grant awarded for Newport Waterfront Recreation Path Project

1 min read

NEWPORT — A Community Action Grant from AARP Vermont totaling $2,500 will go toward planning work for the Downtown Waterfront Recreational Path Project.

The Vermont Land Trust, the recipient of the grant, will use the funds for the pre-engineering plan and cost analysis for extending existing recreation paths.

This project will ultimately enhance mobility, safety, and connectivity for people of all ages and ability.

“We are really thrilled to have this level of support from AARP for this project,” said Tracy Zschau, Regional Director at Vermont Land Trust in the Northeast Kingdom. “We are now able to do the necessary studies to lay the groundwork for what is an exciting new initiative here in Newport.”

Phase I of the project, or the Waterfront Plaza path, is being funded entirely by private business, with support from the City of Newport and will be implemented this summer.

The Phase II pre-engineering and cost analysis funded by this grant are currently underway.

“Through this partnership with AARP Vermont, Newport has committed to embrace the changing demographics of an aging population by focusing on safe, walkable streets, better housing and transportation options, access to key services and community engagement opportunities for all ages,” explained Kelly Stoddard Poor or AARP Vermont. “These Community Action Grants support that direction by funding small, grassroots organizations that are working to advance the Age Friendly movement.”

For the past three years, AARP Vermont has provided modest financial support through its Community Action Grants to a variety of local organizations and community-based groups to make improvements to the community aimed at enhancing livability for all ages.

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