Local 3D real estate tours offered by Century 21 Farm & Forest

1 min read

NEWPORT — 3D is not just for big blockbusters like “Star Wars’’ anymore. It’s becoming one of the hottest trends in real estate, and Century 21 Farm & Forest is now offering the service.

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“We at Century 21 Farm & Forest always strive to stay ahead of the curve to bring our customers and clients the highest level of service,” said Nicholas Maclure, owner of Century 21 Farm & Forest Realty. “Our latest and greatest tool is the 3D tour.”

This is not your typical video or slide show tour of a home. With the ability to choose from a floor plan view, doll house view or self-guided tour, the viewer has complete control to look up, down, and all around while moving throughout the house.

The final product offers an exceptional marketing opportunity to the seller with a presentation that separates their property from the competition.

“It is more than just a photo, it creates a sense of presence unlike anything else,” Maclure said.

This 3D tour gives buyers a true sense of how the property feels from the comfort and convenience of their own home or office.

To get a look at this new technology, visit www.FarmAndForest.com to view some of their local 3D tours.

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